Dear Saints,
1. This news item may be of far more interest to me than to some of you: Yesterday GCC and Veritas Academy received a donation of a large number of theological works. Many of you remember Pastor Dave Richardson, who taught at Veritas for several years. The Richardsons are moving into a smaller home (with little room for his books), and Dave wanted his theological library to be somewhere where it would be used and appreciated. Often, loads of 'free stuff' involves having to sift through the items to see if anything good is there. In this case, we received a wealth of goods. I would estimate that we received about a thousand dollars worth of books. The donated books include Spurgeon's Treasury of David, B.H. Carroll's commentaries on the Bible, Keil and Delitzsch's Old Testament commentaries, the multi-volume Twenty Centuries of Preaching series, Bahnsen's study on Van Til, and numerous dictionaries and reference works. And, Dave stated that this was just the beginning (although it is the best of his collection).
I hope we can place these works in the office shelves in the room Bill has used. These books will be available for church members, teachers at church and school, and students to use and study. I have been combing through a helfty volume, titled Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, using the material for some of my work. We are living in a time in which the "church" and many students of ministry are shying away from books and study. The Internet is a blessing in that it enables a student or pastor to access lots of material easily. But there is still the place in this world of I-pads, computers, Kindles, and Nooks, for books.
Let us give thanks to God for Dave Richardson's generosity to us and pray that we can use these reference works to help make our church and school a center of theological learning. That goal is central to what Reformed theology is about. Certain scholarship is not all that Christianity is, but it is a vital part of "taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every area of life."
2. Prayer Meeting tonight at the Houses at 7:00 PM. The topic tonight is Family Worship. This will an occasion for us to encourage one another, share experiences, and seek to further our family practices. We will be specifically praying for our family lives, in which all activities fit in with worship (Deut. 6:4-9).
3. In August, the adult Sunday school class will be on the topic "Christian Living in a Bad Economy." I am studying on the topic, but really need all interested people to contribute. Pertinent articles, essays, summaries, and information about economic matters would be appreciated. I would love to other members bring and share insights from your own reading. It would be easy to allow such a topic as the economy to cause us to fall into gloom and a "God, gold, and guns" mentality (not to deny that there are gloomy aspects to the economy or that gold or guns have a place in a God-centered life). Again, let me know what information has helped you understand the economy and the needed Christian responses.
4. Continue in prayer for Zach Ramsey. His most recent Houston visit resulted in some good news regarding his condition, but he is very weak while battling both his cancer and the effects of treatments. Pray for Dori and Becky who are there helping him.
5. Continue in prayer for our youth and counselor at church camp.
I hope to see you tonight. If you cannot come, but have a prayer request, let me know.
Grace Covenant Church

2101 East 50th Street, Texarkana, AR
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
News and Announcements for July 24 and following
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Summer Sanctus, 2010 |
Sunday, July 24
Sunday School at 9:30 am.
Adult Sunday School Class: Mark Duncan, "Ecclesiastes"
Worship, 10:40 am.
Sermon: Ben House, "The Great Commission and Our Mission, Part 3"
Monday, July 25: Summer Sanctus begins. Leaving time from the church: 9:00 am.
Tuesday, July 26: Men's Bible Study (at the church in the Humanities Room). 7:00 pm. See Brian Hawthorne for details.
Wednesday, July 27: Home Prayer Meeting (at the House’s house). 7:00 PM. Topic: “Family Worship,” from Life in the Body of Christ by Curtis C. Thomas.
Thursday, July 27: Campers return from Summer Sanctus.
Other upcoming events:
1. Church News and Events will be regularly posted on
If you need to be contacted by phone (rather than email or through the web), let Ben, Tom, or a deacon know.
2. If you are not receiving e-mail updates, contact Ben at
3. “Not Ashamed,” messages on God’s Creation, sponsored by First Baptist Bossier and Answers in Genesis, featuring Dr. Ken Ham will be presented in Bossier City on Sunday, August 7 and Monday, August 8. See Ben or for details.
4. The book, Trusting God Even When Life Hurts, is back in stock and available for purchase or distribution.
5. Upcoming Events:
a. Sunday School for August 7 & 14: Biblical Answers to Economic Distresses
b. Fellowship Meal on August 7
Dance Lessons are always a part of Summer Sanctus |
Kayaking for the really adventurous |
Summer Sanctus, 2010 |
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
George Grant's Library
Nicholas called me and did not believe that we were at George Grant's house, talking about the band Fleet Foxes, so I had to put George on the phone to convice Nick.
This picture gives you a slightly better sense of the many books and shelves surrounding the room.
George Grant in his study and library. |
This picture gives you a slightly better sense of the many books and shelves surrounding the room.
Prayer Meeting and News
Dear Grace Covenant Saints,
What a relief to be out of Tennessee, away from the slightly less hot weather, away from the book stores, shops, and hills of middle Tennessee, and away from the influences of George Grant and his cohorts. (Surely you don't believe what I just said.)
We want to invite and encourage all to come to our house tonight for a short Bible exhortation on Bible study, a time for sharing prayer needs, and for praying together. Afterwards, we will fellowship and enjoy some snacks. The kids and I are planning on assembling an ice cream sandwich cake, a family favorite. Bring along any snacks and dessert items you wish.
News and Announcements:
1. Summer Sanctus, church camp, is next week. We will need to complete plans for taking our youth to church camp. We will be joined by four youth from Todd Davis' church in Searcy.
2. Worship services for August are now being planned. It has been quite a while since I have been in charge of picking out hymns, and more controversies arise over hymns sung or not sung than over doctrine (thank God). If you have a hymn or two that you would like to see included in the service, let me know over the next week.
3. Any events you would like to see listed on the August calendar need to be given to me.
4. The garage sale that wasn't: We attempted to organize a garage sale for raising funds for summer camp. Time, other events, and heat prevented this from happening. We do have a few sale items that have accumulated at the church and that need a new home. This includes the Fica Tree that is currently in the school library. Anyone wanting any of these items may take them, or if anyone is planning on having a garage sale, please take these items.
5. We will be having a meeting soon (perhaps after the August fellowship meal) to begin planning for the Advent season worship services. And we will be planning a Francis Schaeffer Conference for either late January or early February. January 12, 2012 will mark the 100 year anniversary of Schaeffer's birth. Our church owes an immense debt to this man. This would be a good time to start reading some of Schaeffer's works or those of his wife, Edith.
6. I am still trying to figure out how to add people on to the GCC list. Some of the members, particulary wives, are not on the list. Please be patient. If you use Facebook, please post the main points of this information, particularly about tonight.
In Christ's service,
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